Monday, 23 March 2015

Where Do We Stand?


If you have read my previous post, you would know that this really sweet, good looking guy had told me he liked me... But, me being me, pushed him away...

A few weeks later, after going out for lunch, I asked him where we stood. I just wanted to know, you know, for myself. It might have been a question that was too forward or too soon but I just wanted to know what the situation was. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do.

He told me the whole situation, like how he had liked me and then thought that I had friend-zoned him, and he had got used to that idea, and almost friend-zoned me... And then, ladies and gentlemen, he did the classic (are you ready for it?!)

"I mean, it's not you, it's me, I'm quite a mess right now" 
"I don't think I would be great in a relationship right now"

As if he is letting me off the hook! He should've just said:

"Yes, I'm a mess, but I think I have friend-zoned you, sorry."
"I mean, you are such a lovely girl and you're super sweet, but I am not personally ready for a relationship right now, so spread your wings and go fly, you are free little bird"

Okay, maybe not that last one, but the first one he said was so ridiculously cringey that if he was to have said my version, I would have laughed with him instead of ending up laughing at him...! It's not you, it's me; like we haven't heard that one a million times before! Right?

So I wanted to know, how many of you have had experiences like this and if you have, have you just ended up laughing at how silly someone sounded?!

Speak to you soon!

The Secret Blogger xxx

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