Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Inspirations and Limitations

If I could write a story, I would...
A book, good enough to be released to the public, is a dream. But I realise my limitations.

Whilst I write my thoughts, feelings, quotes and daily occurrences, I was unable to find an inspiration to write something new.
Inspiration is a funny thing to write about, isn't it?
Would you consider inspiration as something tangible?

Seeing birds fly freely over my house inspires me to travel and explore the world.
Birds are tangible; therefore, inspiration is tangible.

However, sometimes, inspiration comes from a thought or feeling. Feeling lonely could inspire you to try new things and meet new people.

Loneliness isn't tangible, therefore, inspiration isn't tangible, right?

But now, let's look at limitations: some are tangible, others aren't.

Not being able to fly using my own wings (literally speaking) is a limitation. That limitation is tangible. No actual wings to take flight.
However, the fear to step out of my comfort zone and the fear to try something new is intangible. There is nothing touchable limiting me at all.

So, how comes inspirations and limitations can be both tangible and intangible?

If you inspire your limitations, what happens?
But most importantly, how destroying could it be to limit your inspirations, whether tangible or intangible?

Thanks again for reading, let me know your limitations and inspirations in the comments below!

The Secret Blogger xxx

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